Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day #21

We were supposed to hear from the judge Monday and did not. Today was no better. I am living by Psalm 27 that says to wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and He will strengthen your heart. Supposedly we will hear tomorrow when the court date is to be scheduled. If it soon we will wait, if not then we will be coming home and making another trip. At this point short of a miracle from the Lord we cannot all come home together in 1 trip, which was my original plan but it doesn't seem like this is the Lord's plan. I know once its all over and I can look back I will see His wisdom. I am battling my flesh which thinks it knows best even though I understand the Lords plan is the right one.

Today we played at the orphanage again. Many of the kids leave for summer camp tomorrow. They are keeping Luda here until we see what happens with the judge. Please pray for the date to be right away and for our spirits to be renewed. Pray that we be one with the Lord's timing. We are tired at this point and need to get past the court thing. Hopefully tomorrow we will have good news.


  1. Hang in there!!! Keep your spirits up! We had prayer for you guys this morning! It will all work out according to HIS plan. Take care!

  2. I read this verse this morning and thought of you guys:

    Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.
    ~ Psalms 143:8

    You all are doing great work for the Lord. We are praying for you!

  3. You are all being obedient to God's calling. Try to rest in His arms-jody

  4. Greg I think you are right - we don't understand it now but I bet we will look back on this later and see how His hand was helping all along when we thought in our flesh that is was all messed up.
